Danny Murphy finally vindicates Arsene

Danny Murphy finally vindicates Arsene
An English player has finally spoken about violent tackles in the English game.

Well done to Danny Murphy.

Wenger says it and he gets called a whinger by the media and thugs like Allardyce & Pulis.

For a few weeks we had to endure a bunch of muppets (including late entrants Coyle and Redknapp) tells about the good ol' virtue of football "being a man's game).

Now it happens to a couple of other clubs (Newcastle,Fulham & Wigan) then the media gives it the attention it deserves.

It is sad that it has taken a few British managers (Hughes,Houghton ) and Danny Murphy to speak about it for it to be noticed.

But at least this has gone to the mainstream media.

I do wonder if Stoke is going to ask an apology from Danny Murphy though.
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